Street Paving in the Manor – 2014
The streets and alleys throughout the Manor will be paved in late October or November. Flynn Brothers Paving won the contract. They do much of the paving work for Louisville Metro. The City of Rolling Fields also recently used Flynn Brothers for repaving throughout that city.
Watch for flyers on your doorstep with more information.
To stay up-to-date on the project, either:
- Join our Facebook group – “City of Strathmoor Manor”
- Contact Susan Stopher at 456-6319 or with your email address and request that she add you to the Manor email list for project updates
Emergency Response Survey
The Emergency Response Survey is Here
Budget Ordinance 2013 #2
Budget Ordinance 2013 #2 is posted here
Waste Management
Due to the MLK holiday on Monday and inclement weather Tuesday, Waste Management (which provides trash pickup in the Manor) cancelled service this week. The next pick up will be Tuesday, January 28.